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Daily Digest compiles the most important cybersecurity news—including information concerning the latest data breaches, attacks, events and more. The once-a-day, free forever newsletter was created to support a passion for increasing cybersecurity awareness across industry.

Every newsletter consists of easily digestible summaries of significant events, handpicked by John Caruthers.

During his 27 year FBI career, John Caruthers investigated a wide range of criminal activity, from drug cartels and white-collar crime to cybercrime. His most satisfying accomplishments included the work he did with the Crimes Against Children program, responding to the attacks of 9/11, ICS/SCADA protection, and building enduring partnerships between the FBI and the private sector. During his career, John was assigned to Russia, Ukraine and The Netherlands. John’s last role in the FBI was as Supervisory Special Agent of FBI San Diego’s Cyber National Security Squad, as well as Partnership/Engagement Coordinator.

For more information, see Profile: John Caruthers.

The Daily Digest was created with the passion to increase cybersecurity awareness in the private sector. We believe that as more individuals and organizations learn about the practice of cybersecurity, the escalating number of cyberattacks can be reduced and prevented. Cybersecurity is imperative to our future - gaining an understanding of the threats are vital for everyone both at work AND home.

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